Groundwater Forum

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The Global Groundwater Forum is the world’s online hub for dialogue about groundwater resources. The purpose of the Forum is to incite conversation, share knowledge and inspire action among professionals interested in groundwater issues. Each topic presented is selected with this purpose in mind. We look at the Forum as a safe space for people interested in groundwater to interact. We aim to be as open as possible while protecting the integrity of the Forum in the long term. Therefore, we have created Community Guidelines which describe some 'online etiquette' for Forum members.

The Global Groundwater Forum is also the home of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Groundwater Community of Practice (Groundwater CoP). The Groundwater CoP was originally convened as part of executing the GEF IW:LEARN 3 Project. It aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience on groundwater resources management from the GEF IW portfolio and beyond. Although this phase of the IW: Learn Project is drawing to a close, the Groundwater CoP will continue its dialogues in the Forum.

The Forum is hosted by the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) and moderated in collaboration with the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP) Groundwater Systems Section.